The Universal Story


The Universal Story

A place to explore, learn and fall in love with the wonderful weirdness of our Universe, world, and species

The latest

There is such wonder around us. In our Universe, on our planet and in our history. Let’s dive in.

We all know about our planet. And our solar system. But what about our galaxy? What shape is it? What does it look like. Let's dive in, to the Milky Way.
Humans have built many beautiful things. Some are famous. But some that really need to be more well known, are the living bridges of Meghalaya. Let's dive in.

The Universal Story: Why?

There is such wonder around us. From the night sky, to rainforests, to skyscrapers and the human smile. We are constantly surrounded by it. 

But it is easy to forget that. As we go about our busy lives, we can lose sight of these things. Years can go by without us ever seeing the stars.

This is awful. We crave meaning and connection: to something bigger than us, to something important, to other people, or even just ourselves.

The Universal Story is about how we are a part of a larger narrative. A narrative involving everything we know: our species, our planet, life on Earth and our Universe. A story of history, evolution, and constant change. From the creation of the Universe itself 13.8 billion years ago, where tapestries of swirling cosmic dust slowly converged into our Milky Way galaxy, giving us a home. To the history of life on Earth, slowly blossoming across the planet, turning a barren, noxious, molten hellscape into a unique and miraculous oasis. From the evolution of our species, adapting and surviving against all odds, learning about the world and creating art and beauty. To the history of our many peoples, finding ways to work together and care for each other, building monuments to their gods, trying to understand themselves and their place in the world around them. 

So much has happened which led to us. And we are part of it all. It’s time to learn about, the Universal Story. Let’s dive in.

Get started

A lot of cool stuff has happened around us. Let’s dive in. 

Our Universe

Life on Earth



Contact us

We love hearing feedback at The Universal Story! So please if you have any thoughts, get in touch. We will try to respond to all queries! 

In particular if you:

  • find an error in any content – we will thank you and be very grateful;
  • have any new content ideas;
  • are a researcher who wants to talk about anything we’ve posted about (we will be very excited); or
  • just want to have a chat!

Also, if you think we are using one of your images, please get in touch. We are sorry, we try to license everything, but we are completely non-commercial (we don’t make any money at all) and run by one guy on the weekends, so one slips through occasionally. Just let us know. And you are welcome to use any of our content that you would like – free of charge and with no conditions.