The Universal Story


Beauty: The Bridges of Meghalaya

Humans have built many beautiful things. Some are famous. But some that really need to be more well known, are the living bridges of Meghalaya. Let’s dive in.

Handaxes: Humanity’s first tools

We made our first handaxes 3 million years ago. But the first handled tools are only 40,000 years old. The history of early tools is glorious. Let’s dive in.

Our First Art: Was it beautiful?

We love cave art. It represents the dawn of the human imagination like nothing else we have. And it’s so new, only 50,000 years old at the most. Let’s dive in.

Who were the first humans?

It’s very hard to talk about “the first humans”. You could choose lots of different points – standing upright? hunting? the human skeleton? art? Let’s dive in.

The Stone Age: Culture begins

We love the stone age. It is where our humanity started to emerge. Art, culture, science all began here. You wouldn’t recognize us without it. Let’s dive in.

Anatomical Modernity: Becoming Us

Ancient human skeletons become indistinguishable from modern humans skeletons around 300,000 years ago. But they were still very different to us Let’s dive in.

Homo Erectus: Man stands upright

The first people we’d think of as human evolved 2 million years ago. They walked upright and dominated the landscape as apex predators. Let’s dive in.