The Universal Story


Eukaryotes: Life’s Biggest Leap

There are lots of steps in life evolving: bacteria, plants, things walking on land. But probably the most important step was Eukaryotes evolving. Let’s dive in.

Early Life: Informed Guesswork

Some very basic life formed on earth about 3 billion years ago. We don’t really know much about it. But we’ve got some fascinating ideas. Let’s dive in.

The Earth: Our Blue Oasis

An Earth we’d recognize, with water and oxygen formed 3 billion years ago. It was, and still is, a very special place – nowhere else is like it. Let’s dive in.

The Big Bang: Years Later

Years after the Big Bang, the Universe started cooling. Matter and light started to form. After massively expanding, the Universe was now fading. Let’s dive in.

The Big Bang: Seconds Later

The Universe in the seconds after the Big Bang was wild. Like nothing we’ve ever seen on Earth. So hot that matter and light couldn’t exist. Let’s dive in.