The Universal Story

The Universe

Rogue Planets: Lost in space

Planets. They’re normally big rocks that orbit stars. But actually, some planets, exist out in space away from any stars. Let’s dive in, to rogue planets.

The Universe: Where are we?

We’re on Earth, in our Solar System, just off-centre in our Milky Way galaxy. We are alongside trillions of other galaxies in the Universe. Let’s dive in.

What does space feel like?

What is space like? Most people think they have some idea, but many of the answers are pretty strange. Some bits smell a bit like raspberries. Let’s dive in.

The Earth: Our Blue Oasis

An Earth we’d recognize, with water and oxygen formed 3 billion years ago. It was, and still is, a very special place – nowhere else is like it. Let’s dive in.